Please check the latest NSW Government COVID-19 updates on a regular basis and stay aware of the current health situation.
When travelling in locations along the Darling River Run, please be aware of the rules and regulations in place to keep you, other visitors and residents safe.
Please refer to our list of resources below for information and updates.
NSW Government Links
COVID-19 updates –
COVID-19 rules –
COVID-19 case locations –
Interstate COVID-19 case locations –
Travelling to and from NSW –
NSW Health –
Travel Alerts –

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
Please note that some NPWS campgrounds, accommodation, visitor centres, and guided tours are closed in this area until further notice as a result of the NSW Government’s public health orders due to the risk of COVID-19 in the area.
Visitors to NSW national parks must check the latest NSW Government COVID-19 updates for advice on current required safety measures. Please also check NPWS alerts for up-to-date information about closures before visiting a park.
NPWS Alerts List –
NPWS COVID-19 Updates –

Wentworth Shire Council
Due to the Coronanvirus (known as COVID-19) pandemic, we are trying to keep up with an ongoing situation where information is changing rapidly. Some of the information published on our website including business trading hours, events and the indefinite closure of visitor attractions and tours may be subject to change daily. Please verify all information on our website by contacting the Wentworth Visitor Information Centre on (03) 5027 5080.
Wentworth Shire Council –
Wentwoth Tourist Information –

Bourke Shire Council
Please check the Bourke Shire Council website and Facebook pages for updates.
Bourke Shire Council –
COVID-19 Updates –
Bourke Tourist Information –
Bourke Shire Council Facebook page –
Back O’ Bourke Information & Exhibition Centre Facebook Page –
Further information can be obtained by calling Council on 02 6830 8000 during office hours or by calling Councils After Hours Number 0419 722 055

Brewarrina Shire Council
Please check the Brewarrina Shire Council website and Facebook pages for updates.
Brewarrina Shire Council –
Brewarrina Tourist Information –
Brewarrina Shire Council Facebook Page –
Brewarrina Visitor’s Information and Exhibition Centre Facebook Page –

Central Darling Shire Council
Please check the Central Darling Shire Council website and Facebook pages for updates.
Central Darling Shire Council –
Central Darling Shire Council Facebook Page –

Outback Beds
Outback Bed Members ask that visitors refer firstly to NSW Health for the latest warnings and health advice.
Prior to arrival and as situations can change quickly, visitors should also contact the individual Outback Bed Members as to whether they are open, and if so, any extra conditions above and beyond the public health orders that the Member may require.