Imagine waking up to a complete oasis in the Outback of NSW…Now you can, at the Goodooga Great Artesian Bore Baths Complex.
Located on the edge of Goodooga in Queensland Street, you’ll find a brand new, purpose built, fully wheelchair accessible pool fed by water from the Great Artesian Basin. The mineral rich waters from deep underground in the Artesian Basin maintain a constant temperature of 40 degrees in the pool, it really is like soaking away your cares in the big bathtub!
The therapeutic benefits of Artesian Waters have been acknowledged for thousands of years right around the world. The Mineral rich Artesian water has been known to boost blood circulation, reduce stress, promote sleep, relieve pain, provide relief from and heal skin problems…The benefits are endless! If you are worried about missing your daily gym session, fear not, a fabulous new set of Outdoor Hybrid Gym Equipment has recently been installed, making this a total little hub for health and fitness!
Visit the Brewarrina Shire Council website for further informaion